MY Story

Hello, and welcome to my Osceola Game Calls. For me, it’s not about the competitions, awards, or recognition. I’s about sharing, its about friendships, and its about the fond memories made pursuing one of God’s greatest creations.. It’s about celebrating this wonderful passion that bonds us together as Turkey hunters. It really is my sincere personal desire to share with you the joy & excitement of calling to the American wild turkey. Every call is carefully handcrafted by myself using only the finest materials & then tuned to perfection. Over 2 decades of call making and hunting experience has enabled me to produce some of the most effective calls on the market today. So if your looking to bag that Osceola for your grand slam or just want to start tagging out each season, i invite you to add a custom Osceola Game call to your turkey vest . Osceola Game calls really are “The Calls Turkeys Die for”!

God Bless & Good Hunting!

Scott Fletcher @

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